Frequently Asked Questions

How can I be sure if my child needs services?

How can I be sure if my child needs services?

STEPS for Kids offers screenings to help determine whether your child would benefit from a full evaluation for any of our services. These screenings may be completed via phone interview with a parent (or legal guardian) or through a brief clinic appointment that allows our staff to observe the child in play or performing limited screening tasks, answer your questions and recommend the next step. Screenings are typically completed in 15 to 30 minutes and do not replace a skilled evaluation but are designed to determine whether red flags are present that justify a full evaluation being completed.

There is no charge for a screening and no physician order is required for the screening. In-clinic screening appointments are limited based on staff availability and may not be available during after school hours or on the weekends. Screenings can be scheduled by calling our office or contacting us via email.

What do I need to do to start services?

What do I need to do to start services?

To initiate services, our intake coordinator will need your contact information and basic information about your child, the child’s health insurance, and referring physician. A physician’s order (or prescription) is required for services and our staff can assist you with obtaining that order if not already provided to you by your child’s primary care physician. Contact us today by phone or email to initiate services or ask further questions about this process.

Does health insurance cover services?

Does health insurance cover services?

In most cases, yes, our therapy services are covered by health insurance when medically necessary and supported by physician order. STEPS for Kids is an in network provider with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, Advocate Physician Partners groups, Humana, Aetna, and United Healthcare. We are also able to do out-of-network billing for most services providers and offer affordable private pay options for when services are not covered. Our office staff will complete a verification of benefits at the time of intake and inform you of any expected out of pocket costs you are likely to incur.

Is STEPS for Kids accepting new clients?

Is STEPS for Kids accepting new clients?

Yes. We are always accepting new clients for all therapy services and are typically able to complete evaluations or initial appointments within 2 weeks time, depending on staff availability. We occasionally have a waiting list for prime therapy hours and always advise that evaluations can be completed to determine need for therapy and then options for scheduling visits can be discussed if therapy is recommended.

What are the clinic hours?

What are the clinic hours?

The clinic is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 7:00 pm. Saturday hours are by appointment only and based on staff availability.

Does STEPS for Kids offer group therapy sessions or skill programs?

Does STEPS for Kids offer group therapy sessions or skill programs?

Yes, we offer both group therapy and group skill development programs that vary in availability throughout the year. Examples of programs that we may offer include social skills, handwriting camps, emotional regulation programs, early development play groups, play based learning groups, music programs, and movement programs. These programs are not covered by insurance plans but are offered at affordable private pay rates. Check our website, Facebook page, or sign up for our newsletter to stay informed on all the programs we offer.


507 W. Kendall Dr., Suite 4 - Yorkville, IL 60560


Phone: 630-552-9890 / Fax: 630-552-9891