Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) helps children succeed in everyday activities including play, social interactions, activities of daily living, and learning. Using a relationship and play-based approach that is family centered and child led, our occupational therapists focus on empowering children and families for success. Activities might be sensory motor-based movement, pretend or exploratory play, functional tasks such as dressing, social interactions or academic related tasks. Therapy always focuses on the child’s interests and strengths to support participation and motivation. Activities are structured to provide the ”just right challenge” that fosters skill development, task mastery and self-confidence. Goals for OT include independence in age appropriate skills, development of self-esteem and self-advocacy, and maximizing the child’s success in all settings.

Parents are encouraged to be a part of therapy by observing or participating, depending on the nature of the treatment session and the child’s needs. Treatment may include home activities, environmental adaptations, behavioral interventions, and parent/caregiver education to support achievement of goals. Helping the family and other adults understand the child’s strengths and needs is a critical part of occupational therapy.

Children who benefit from OT include all children from birth through adolescence who struggle with meeting daily task demands in any setting. Challenges may be the result of any developmental or acquired condition, including Autism, ADHD, learning disorders, anxiety, congenital disorders such as Down Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injuries, or other developmental concerns. Regardless of diagnosis, OT may be appropriate for your child if they exhibit any of the following:


  • Difficulty with gross motor skills including coordination, balance, strength, or movement
  • Difficulty with fine motor skills such as holding utensils, using pencils, crayons, or scissors
  • Difficulty with vision or perceptual skills affecting academics, play, or self-care
  • Lack of age appropriate self-care skills such as dressing, feeding, or hygiene
  • Poor task focus, attention, or organization to complete daily activities
  • Has poor organization and follow through with daily tasks
  • Frequent emotional outbursts, “meltdowns” or difficulty with self-regulation
  • Lack of age-appropriate play skills
  • Difficulty with social interactions and community participation
  • Issues with sleep, feeding, or daily routines and habits

507 W. Kendall Dr., Suite 4 - Yorkville, IL 60560

(New Location as of July 1, 2023)


Phone: 630-552-9890 / Fax: 630-552-9891